NSN 6710-01-373-9300


6710-01-373-9300 A photographic device used for taking silent and/or sound motion pictures. It consists of a light-tight chamber designed to produce a sequential series of pictures by means of a continuous or intermittent automatic film feed mechanism. This mechanism is so arranged, geared and timed that as the film for each frame is positioned, the light for each exposure is automatically controlled. It includes an electric or spring wound motor(s), taking lens(es), takeup reel or spool, and magazine(s). It may include a lens cover, carrying case, strap and/or handle. Excludes cameras with sound recording equipment, film, tripod, or stand, accessory lighting equipment and external power supply. for cameras with sound recording equipment, see CAMERA SET, MOTION PICTURE.

Alternate Parts: B70453620, B-7045-3620, 6710-01-373-9300, 01-373-9300, 6710013739300, 013739300

Supply Group (FSG) NSN Assigned NIIN Item Name Code (INC)
67APR 13, 199301-373-930002706 ( CAMERA, MOTION PICTURE )

Cross Reference | NSN 6710-01-373-9300
Part Number Cage Code Manufacturer
B-7045-36200AJL2REMOTEC, INC.

Technical Data | NSN 6710-01-373-9300
Characteristic Specifications